Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spotlight on Leanne Lonergan of Rainbow Revolutions

1- Could you introduce us to who you are and what you do?
Hi there…Well my name is Leanne Lonergan and for some years now my main thing has been teaching colour therapy and courses in self understanding and personal growth using colour.

2 - What lead you to making colorful wraps?
I have been an artist and crafter for as long as I can remember. If it involves the chance to play with heaps of colour. The wraps came about 3 years ago as an idea for something to make for the Spring fair at the school my two daughters attend. After much experimentation (and quite a few mistakes!) these beautiful wraps were ‘born’.

3 -How long have you been in business?
I have been in business now for nearly twelve months.

4 - How did you hear about Etsy?
I found etsy one day as I was searching the web. I felt straight away that this was a site I would like to be involved in!

5 -What part of your job do you enjoy the most?
The best part of what I do has to be experimenting with the dyes and colours. I am always fascinated by the different fabrics that I use and how the fabric has it’s own way of showing the colours. I love mixing new colours and coming up with new colour ‘themes’. Each time I am in the workshop I get my own dose of ‘colour therapy’.

6 -What is some of the challenges that you have faced?
The biggest challenge I have faced has been in learning the whole internet thing! I remember the first product I put in my shop took me so long to get listed. I had to teach myself about the photos, (sizes, cropping etc etc.) , shipping and getting it accurate. Now the challenge is in the marketing both online and the old fashioned way! Getting yourself known is so important!

7 - If you could give one piece of advice what would it be?
Be bold, be brave and just go for it! Do what you love doing!
If you have a passion for something it is so important to express it!

8 - Is this a full-time job or part-time?
It is my full time joy. Nothing seems like work when you are doing what you love.

9 - Anything new that you are in the process of making right now?
I am in the process of developing a range of expression wraps!
I will soon be releasing an ‘Energy’ wrap, a ‘Peace’ wrap, a ‘Balance’ wrap and a ‘Rejoice’ wrap. Their themes have been based on the messages within the colours I have used. I did the prototypes yesterday and they will be rinsed

10 - Where did you learn this profession and when did you start?
I have been dyeing fabrics for many years now. I am self taught and I learn so much from what doesn’t work out as much as from what does!

11 - What inspires you to make these beautiful wraps?
My inspiration comes from how I have seen colour help people. I get feedback constantly from people that have my wraps and it lifts my heart to hear their stories. I was recently told that a little girl had received one of my rainbow wraps as a gift. She was in hospital with a terminal illness. She had her wrap with her everyday until she passed away. She called it her rainbow blanket and said that it made her happy! How can I not be inspired when I hear this sort of thing.
I am inspired constantly to help people grow and be the best they can be and my preferred ‘tool’ is colour!

12 - If you could pick on item from you store that you are especially proud of what would it be and why?
It would have to be the original rainbow wrap! This product is in a centre here in Australia called the ‘Quest for Life Centre’ which is run by an amazing lady called Petrea King. Petrea runs this centre for people who are faced with terminal illness and runs courses and support groups. My wraps are sold here as a fundraiser to help the centre. It is the product that I sell the most of I am continually in the workshop making more!

13 - Anywhere else we can find your products?
My products are available from the Australian Centre for Colour Therapy in Alice Springs, Aromatherapy Works in Sydney and through various independent retailers around Australia.
Of course they are available from Etsy and I am in the process of setting up a store on DaWanda to attract the European market. (I must brush up on my school days French and German though!)

You can view her store at:

Leanne is gracious enough to run a special for readers who saw her on my blog.
She is offering 10% discount if you purchase one item and if you buy 2 or more she will give you a 15%. Just mention that you saw her on my blog in the ‘message to seller’ part of the process! Or convo her for any questions.

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